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Flood Warning Station at Kriebstein, Saxony - Germany

As flood-warning station and hydrometric base station with a catchment basin of 1754 km2 , reliable data monitoring is extremely important for the hydrological balance of Freiberg and for the whole area around the Mulde. The power plants, located up and down stream of this gauging station, influence the water level and water flow surrounding it.  As a solution for measuring the discharge, the station uses the OTT SLD and LogoSens2.

Read a detailed project description here

  • During  2010 and 2011 the gauging station has been systematically reconstructed and it was decided to install a stationary discharge measurement system. For the first calibration and for a founded selection of the measuring location a model calculation has been made. As it was consequently recommended, the gauging station was designed as 2-path-system.
  • In 2011, 2 OTT SLD units with 600 KHz and 1 MHz were installed. They are operated via an OTT LogoSens 2 with data recall as 15 minute average value via the conventional telephone network. A small buffer battery will bypass short term power failure.
  • The sensor of the lower measuring path was installed vertically adjustable on a double-T-carrier, the upper sensor was fixed to a concrete foundation on the slope.
  • The performance of the system during the first flood event after the reconstruction came up to the high expectations that were set in the installation.
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