All-weather meteorological stations in the Carpathian Mountains - Hungary
For a development project on the Hungarian hydrometrical network operated by the Hungarian Meteorological Service (OMSZ), 141 new meteorological measuring stations were installed across the country.
The all-weater climate stations have to provide reliable and accurate data in all climate conditions, especially in the Carpathian Basin, where climate varies widely. The average annual precipitation amount is 500-750 or 20-30 inches - liquid or solid.
During the exploratory phase the OMSZ performed some market research, and as a result they selected the OTT Pluvio² as the best solution.
Read a detailed project description here
OTT Pluvio² - Weighing Rain Gauge
All-weather, high accuracy rain gauge for continuous data collection
The OTT Pluvio² is an all-weather precipitation gauge that uses superior weight-based technology to measure the amount and intensity of rain, snow, and hail.
- Cumulative precipitation, precipitation intensity, bucket content in real time and non real time
- Weighing principle
- All-weather precipitation gauge without moving parts according to WMO guide line No. 8
- SDI-12 / RS-485, pulse