En las páginas que siguen se explican brevemente los proyectos que hemos realizado para nuestros clientes. Son ejemplos de distintos países que ilustran cómo transformamos en soluciones profesionales los requisitos de los clientes y de los lugares de medición. En dicho proceso colaboramos estrechamente con nuestros clientes aportando todo nuestro know-how y una gestión profesional de los proyectos con ingenieros de ventas experimentados y expertos en aplicaciones especializadas para lograr una implementación del proyecto altamente satisfactoria. Si desea que publiquemos su proyecto, lo haremos encantados. Póngase en contacto con nosotros.
Resultados exactos Resultados más aproximados
Flood Water Protection in the City of Buenos Aires

A monitoring system with alarm function for a retention basin shall protect residents against flood damage in the future
Mostrar proyectoReservoir Aabach Germany - Continuous monitoring of contact pressure

56 OTT PLS pressure probes have been installed in the damming structure of the reservoir to measure the contact pressure in the dam continuously. These data are directly forwarded to the data center of the responsible water board.
Mostrar proyectoDischarge Measurement Deep Within a Cave

Using the OTT MF pro flow meter for speleology, or the measurement of water discharge within caves. The Hessenhau Cave is the deepest known cave (144 m / 472 ft) of the Swabian Alps in southern Germany.
Mostrar proyectoWeather data for nautical information system

Wireless connection of an OTT netDL via WLAN
Mostrar proyectoNew monitoring network for Scottish ports

A network of 15 tide and weather stations with OTT Hydromet monitoring equipment provides live data on port conditions at Scotland's west coast for ferries.
Mostrar proyectoHarris County Flood Warning System

The Harris Country Flood Warning System (FWS) features a complex network of 139 gauging stations, utilizing the OTT Radar Level Sensor and OTT Compact Bubbler Sensors for non-contact water level measurement.
Mostrar proyectoWell monitoring for a water supplier

Precise water level measurement with continuous electronic measurement and data transfer via Profinet into a control system.
Mostrar proyectoMonitoring underground water resources in Brasil

Monitoring of level, temperature, pH and conductivity at mineral springs owned by Coca Cola - Mogi das Cruzes / Brazil.
Mostrar proyectoPrecipitation monitoring in the Sierra Nevada - Spain

High mountain application with OTT Pluvio² as part of a research project.
Mostrar proyectoWater Level monitoring system in the Belchatow open pit mine, Poland

Complete monitoring solution water level measurements with OTT Thalimedes and Adcon A753 RTU (UHF and GPRS).
Mostrar proyectoWeather stations for the 2014 Winter Olympic Games in Sochi

Specialized automatic meteorological stations (AMS) equipped with OTT Pluvio² as a part of real-time weather system for the 2014 Sochi Olympic Winter Games.
Mostrar proyecto49 stations along the Mekong River - Cambodia - Vietnam - Laos - Thailand

Sharing of hydrological information among the Mekong member countries for a sustainable development on managing water resources.
Mostrar proyectoDischarge measurement at the river "Große Roeder" in Saxony - Germany

Online-measurement with ultrasonic travel time differential system and side-looking Doppler.
Mostrar proyectoAll-weather climatorological stations in the Carpathian Mountains - Hungary

All-weather climatotlogical stations have to provide reliable and accurate data.
Mostrar proyectoFlood protection program Zulawy, Gdansk – Poland

Pilot station for “Complex flood protection program Zulawy 2030”, Gdansk – Poland.
Mostrar proyectoPrecipitation measurement in high mountains - Aosta Valley

OTT Pluvio² in 3000 m altitude: Precipitation measurement in extreme conditions near the Matterhorn - Valle d’Aosta / Italy.
Mostrar proyectoDam Monitoring in South Africa

The Komati River Basin Development Project comprised the design, the construction, operation and maintenance of two big dams in South Africa and Swaziland
Mostrar proyectoContinuous Discharge Monitoring in Mecklenburg - Germany

Ideal Site for Acoustic Discharge Measurement at the Wallensteingraben near Schwerin-Germany with OTT SLD and OTT LogoSens
Mostrar proyectoFlood Warning Station at Kriebstein, Saxony - Germany

Flood-warning station and hydrometric base station with a catchment basin of 1754 km2 with 2 OTT SLD and LogoSens2
Mostrar proyectoHigh-level water quality monitoring in South Africa

Long-term monitoring of selected streams and boreholes for environmental management and an especially challenging installation
Mostrar proyectoIreland Groundwater Monitoring Program

The EU Water Framework Directive (WFD) tasked EU member states to achieve good qualitative and quantitative status of all water bodies by 2015. The directive covers surface, coastal, and groundwater.
Mostrar proyectoBuoy-based temperature profiling in the Bavarian Ammersee

Research project on the long-term effects of climate change on Bavarian lakes
Mostrar proyectoWater Quality in the Mississippi Basin

Long term deployment in the harsh aquatic environment of the Mississippi River.
Mostrar proyectoE.ON Power Plant Nuremberg

Stationary discharge measurement at the location Franken I - E.ON power plant GmbH, Nuremberg
Mostrar proyectoWater Quality Monitoring and Weather Data at Pampulha Lake-Brasil

This lake was a recreation area until the 1980s. Since, it suffers from sewage problems and is in a serious state of eutrophication.
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