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Oil & Gas

Monitoring natural water bodies surrounding oil and gas drilling activities like hydraulic fracturing is a key issue in environmental monitoring and regulatory compliance.

Hydrolab multiparameter sondes can measure a variety of parameters pertaining to energy operations including conductivity and specific conductance, total dissolved solids, salinity, pH & Redox potential (ORP), chloride, dissolved oxygen, and turbidity. Both OTT and Hydrolab sensors can be setup with telemetry options to trigger alarm messages if certain parameter thresholds are breached.

OTT groundwater level sensors can measure current water levels around oil & gas operations and are involved in remediation monitoring, typically using conductivity as a surrogate measurement.


Groundwater level sensor and data logger

OTT ecoLog 500 Water Level Logger

Water level sensor with built-in datalogger for surface and groundwater applications

The OTT ecoLOG 500 is a self-contained water level instrument offering flexible remote data options and unequaled performance for the price.

  • Surface water Groundwater
  • Vented pressure cell
  • Waterlevel/Pressure, Water temperature
  • Measures, stores, and transmits water level and temperature data
  • ± 0.05% FS
  • Yes
New water quality sonde platform: ease of use, meta-data, reliability

Hydrolab HL4 Multiparameter Sonde

New Hydrolab Platform: Reliability, Ease-of-use, Metadata

The Hydrolab HL4 is the next generation multiparameter water quality sonde from OTT Hydromet. Its reliability, ease-of-use, and metadata produce water quality data you can trust.

  • Attended Unattended
  • Temperature, Conductivity, Depth, pH, Dissolved Oxygen (LDO), Turbidity, ORP, Clorophyll a, Blue-green algae, Rhodamine, Ammonium, Nitrate, Chloride
  • The next generation multiparameter water quality instrument
  • SDI-12, RS-485, RS-232, TTY, USB
Buoy Solution to measure and transmit water quality parameters

OTT Water Quality Buoy

Buoy used to measure water quality parameters

OTT Water Quality monitoring buoy with remote data transmission for rivers, lakes and near coastal applications. Designed to operate with HYDROLAB HL7 or HL4 multiparameter sondes.

  • Stand-alone water quality measurement buoy solution
  • Temperature, Conductivity, Depth, pH, Dissolved Oxygen (LDO), Turbidity, ORP, Blue-Green Algae, Chlorophyll a
  • Cellular
OTT Groundwater Sensor Selection Guide
Whitepaper: Turbidity measurements
Turbidity Whitepaper
Water Quality Solutions Overview Video
Application Notes - WQ in OH River Basin
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