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Water Quality Monitoring and Weather Data at Pampulha Lake-Brasil

 In 2010, OTT Hydromet's partner in Brasil,  Hexis began working with CETEC. This resulted in the installation of a buoy, equipped with an automatic profiling system, by early 2013. The project’s objective is the continuous monitoring of the lake’s water quality, with focus on improving this by the 2014 World Cup Games.

Pampulha Lake is an artificial lake with an 18 km perimeter, located in the urban area of Belo Horizonte in Minas Gerais. This was a recreation area, frequented by swimmers, athletes, and families until the 1980s. It has suffered sewage problems and is in a serious state of eutrophication. The Technology Center CETEC/SENAI along with the Mining Institute of Water, is responsible for the environmental monitoring of the lake. In 2010, Hexis began working with CETEC. This resulted in the installation of a buoy, equipped with an automatic profiling system, by early 2013. The project’s objective is the continuous monitoring of the lake’s water quality, with focus on improving this by the 2014 World Cup Games.

The monitoring system is equipped with a DS5X Multiparameter sonde, fitted with a central cleaner, Luminescent Dissolved Oxygen (LDO), temperature, conductivity, turbidity, depth, and chlorophyll a sensors. On top of the buoy, a SDI12 is combined with the WS301 sensor for atmospheric pressure, temperature, humidity, solar radiation, and an ADCON RG1 rain gauge for meteorological monitoring.
All sensors are connected to an OTT DuoSens datalogger with a GSM / GPRS modem, transmitting data hourly to the Mining Institute of Water - IGAN FTP server.

The SDI-12 serial communication between sensors and datalogger allows the monitoring of 6 water quality parameters, and 5 meteorological parameters using only 2 physical ports of the datalogger.
The use of an integrated weather sensor facilitates the installation on top of the buoy.
The Sonde’s central cleaner and the use of a Luminescence Dissolved Oxygen sensor provide ample time between maintenance (cleaning) of sensors, even in highly polluted waters

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