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Sutron XLink 100/500 Logging Transmitter

Multi-Sensor Input Logger with data transmission via lridium or Cellular

Sutron’s XLink product family offers a cost-effective Wi-Fi enabled datalogger with data transmission via Iridium or Cellular. Ideal for use with multiple digital and analog sensors supporting basic or advanced monitoring applications. The product comes in two models tailored to fit different application and budget requirements. The XLink 100 and XLink 500 carry over all the great capabilities from its predecessor family (CDMALink, HSPALink, GPRSLink, IridiumLink).

  • USB-Host, RS-232, Cellular, Data Logger, RS-232 and RS-485, Switchable SDI-12 power, Iridium
  • Plug and play modem, custom programming with Python Scripts (XLlink500), up to 32 measurements, log up to 1,000,000 readings, USB flash drive, secure communication (TLS 1.2 ciphers), multiple interfaces and protocols (HTTP,TCP/IP,FTP), and 3 levels of security to configure, perform maintenance or access data
  • Yes
  • SDI-12, RS-232, RS-485
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Plug and Play Modem Card

  • Reduce modem Setup time with automatic modem recognition
  • Field exchangeable, easily move from one telemetry type or Service carrier to another
  • Keep up with fast moving cellular/telecom technologies (e.g., 3G to 4G)

Custom Programming with Python Scripts (available with XLink 500) 

  • Supports applications beyond standard configuration, including custom measurements, transmission formats and user defined computations
  • Modern, easy to learn scripting language with strong and growing developer community

Two-way communication and remote configuration

  • All datalogger features and configuration options available remotely via cell
  • Reduce time and cost of visiting field station to check, change or download configuration or turn on/off instruments
  • Improve data access and ask for missing data if transmissions are missed

Simple and intuitive software

  • LinkComm software used with all Sutron XLink and SatLink 3 dataloggers
  • Common software reduces training requirements
  • Simple setup over Wi-Fi using a smart phone, tablet or PC
  • Pair with Hydromet Cloud, web-hosted software, to access and manage real-time data and alerts

USB flash drive

  • Quickly modify configuration or upgrade firmware
  • Automatically download data, diagnostics and events
  • Load Python scripts

Collect more data more often while in alarm

  • Reduce transmission costs by sending data more frequently only when data is needed at a faster interval
  • User definable alarm thresholds and adaptable intervals

Secure communication

  • Send encrypted data over secure HTTPS
  • HTTP(S), FTP(S) and Socket (TCP/IP) transmission protocols

Small footprint datalogger

  • Reduce enclosure costs with smaller footprint datalogger
  • Easy to conceal small datalogger and enclosure

Supports multiple interfaces and protocols

  • Use with wide range of sensors, including SDI-12, RS-232 and RS-485
  • Simple configuration of SDI-12, SDI-12 over RS-485 and ModBus (Master or Slave; RTU or ASCII) sensors
  • Easily connect external modems or displays
  • Supports common formats, including: ASCII, CSV, SHEF, Pseudobinary, OTT MIS
  • Remote and urban environmental monitoring
  • Surface water stream gaging
  • Water quality monitoring
  • Basic meteorological stations
Brochure - XLink 100/500 - EN
Datasheet - XLink 100/500 - EN
Declaration of Conformity - XLink 100 - EN
Declaration of Conformity - XLink 500 - EN
Declaration of Conformity XLink 100
Declaration of Conformity XLink 500
Firmware - Sutron XLink 100/500
Leaflet - Sutron XLink 100/500 Logger/Transmitter with Cellular or IRIDIUM Communications
Manual - Sutron XLink 100/500
Sutron XLink - Ordering Guide - EN
XLink - Ordering Guide - EN
Sutron XLink 100/500 - Kurzanleitung | Quick Start Guide | Notice d'utilisation simplifiée | Instrucciones abreviadas
Sutron XLink 100/500 - Product Guide
Sutron XLink 100/500 Supplement to Manual Part 1 and 2
Additional notes on safety, installation and maintenance of the Sutron XLink series
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XLink500-1, XLink100-1 Inches: 4.5 x 6.2 x 1.6 (cm: 11.4 x 15.8 x 4.1)
NEMA-4 (IP66) Inches: 7.3 x 9.5 x 5.2 (cm: 18.5 x 24.2 x 13.2)
Weight (XLink500-1) 1 lbs. (0.5 Kg)
IP rating IP66 (NEMA variants)
Operating temperature 40 °C to +70 °C (-40 °F to +158 °F)
Compliance CE, FCC, ISED
Voltage 9-2 0 VDC; 10-16 VDC for SDI-12 Compliance
Quiescent < 1 mA typ. @12.5 VDC
Compliance V1.3 data recorder
Power 500 mA, short-circuit protected
Number of inputs 2
Range* 0-5V
Accuracy @ 25 °C 0.04 % typ. FS
Resolution 0.3 µV
Number of Inputs 2
Range* ±39 mV, ±312 mV, ±2.5 V
Accuracy @ 25°C 0.04 % typ. FS over 2.5 V
Resolution 0.3 µV @ ±2.5 V scale
ANALOG - 4-20 mA (XLink 500 ONLY)
Number of inputs 1
Range 0-22 mA
Accuracy @ 25°C 0.14 % FS
Load Internal 200 ohms
Number of inputs 2
Input type 0-15 V, optional low-level input Status, counter, frequency
Max input frequency 10 KHz, optional debouncing, internal pull
Number of outputs 1
Output types On/off/ pulse
Open collector w/100 ohm limiting resistor.
100 mA, 15V max
Precision analog reference (XLink 500 only) 2 terminals, 2.5 V, 10.0 mA (total)
Switch 12V 1A, 1 port, overloaded protected
Protected 12V (XLink 500 only) 0.75 A, 1 port
RS-485 1 port; SDI-12, ModBus, custom communications with Python
RS-232 DB9; terminal interface, User interface, ModBus, custom communications with Python
USB Device (Micro B) 1 port; PC / MAC communication using Sutron's LinkCOMM
USB Host (Type A) 1 port; setup, firmware update, log download using a USB flash drive
* * Nominal. Guaranteed Analog Input Range Over Temperature Is 0–4.98 V, ± 2.49 V, ±311 mV, ±38.9 mV.
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